An Ode to Business

Oh, business! What a wondrous thing it be, A world of trade and commerce, rich and free. Forsooth, the merchant and the seller thrive, As profits flow and debts begin to drive.

The market doth ebb and flow like the tide, And fortunes rise and fall, none can decide. Yet still, we strive and toil with might and main, In hopes of gaining wealth and sweetest gain.

The merchant’s ledger is his truest friend, For in its pages doth his wealth extend. He keeps his books with care and wondrous skill, And balances his profits with a will.

Oh, how we marvel at this thing called business, And how it brings us wealth and sweet success. For every venture, every deal we make, Brings us closer to our fortune’s sweetest stake.

So let us raise a toast to business fair, And all its wealth and pleasures we do share. For in this world of trade and commerce bright, We’ll find our truest joy and sweetest light.